When you bought your house you were trilled by the idea that you will have a large bedroom but now you are hating it because you must clean it and it is time consuming and exhausting. However there is a way to ease your cleaning routine and if you keep reading you will learn it.
Examine the room – Before you grab your vacuum, broom, duster and cleaning products, take a step back and carefully look at the room. Determine which items are misplaced and which don’t even belong into the room.
- De-clutter – Now grab a basket or plastic bag and start collecting all the randomly placed objects. Then put all the items that belong into your bedroom at their proper place and sort the remaining objects into three piles: to throw, to donate and to keep.
- Pick up your clothes – Stroll through the room and pick up all your clothes that are laying on the floor and furnishings. Put the dirty apparel into the laundry hamper and arrange the clean clothes into your wardrobe and dresser.
- Dishware and silverware – If you have the habit of eating into your bedroom, collect all the accumulate dishware and silverware, take it into the kitchen and soak them into soapy water. You will wash them once you are done with your bedroom cleaning routine.
- Remove the beddings – Once every two weeks you should strip your bed naked and wash the bed linens. Then move your bed slightly, so that you can wipe clean the backside of your headboard. When one, return the bed in place and cover it with a clean and fresh set of beddings.
- Clear pet hair – If you are proud pet owner you can remove the pet hair from your bedroom furnishings by wearing a rubber glove which you have vaguely dampened with water. Then pass your hand through the furniture, so that the glove can attract and trap the hairs.
- Vacuum the carpet – Carpets tend to accumulate vast amounts of harmful particles such as grim, dust, germs, dirty and bacteria. So, it is very important that you vacuum your carpet thoroughly. Also if you notice any stains, use an eco-friendly cleaning solution to treat them and remove them. Make sure that you take good care of your floor piece as it is of paramount importance that you sleep in a room with clean and healthy indoor air.
- Clean television and stereo – Use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe your TV and stereo. Also don’t make the common error of not cleaning the remote control as it tends to amass large amounts of harmful particles.
If all this is still too complicated for your taste, know that you can always use the assistance of a professional cleaning company. You can opt to use contract sanitation services which mean that licensed cleaners will come on a regular basis and clean your bedroom for you. Don’t worry about the price of such services as most cleaning companies work with affordable fees.
Final tip: Open your window ever morning for 10 to 15 minute in order to aerate the room.