Homemade Cleaning Products – a few ideas and reasons why

If you are into the green lifestyle then the idea of making your own cleaning products to use when you are putting your home in order might be a good idea for you. The benefits of homemade cleaning products are several:

  • First and foremost, they are much cheaper than the commercially made alternatives you can find in your local store.
  • They are a hundred percent green, which means that they are good for the environment, but they are also having positive effect on yours and your family’s health, because they do not contain allergens that may threaten it.
  • Homemade cleaning products are more eco-friendly than the “green” alternatives that you can find in your local supermarket.
  • Green home cleaning products are very easy to make and use. They do not require special skills or knowledge

Baking SodaUsually the only thing that you are going to need in order to prepare a cleaning solution would be an ordinary spray bottle,  some lukewarm water and of course the ingredients. The latter are easily found in every kitchen around the globe, so do not worry.

The most common ingredients of a homemade cleaning product are as follows:

  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Lemon/lemon juice
  • Ordinary liquid soap

Now, do you believe us that it is a simple matter to prepare a cleaning solution for literally everything in your home? A combination of those ingredients would be enough to remove most dirt, stains and allergens from every surface of your home.

For example, you can use a white vinegar and lukewarm water solution for window cleaning, polishing surfaces and removing stains from cutlery. Baking soda absorbs stains from carpets and upholstery, and the same goes for salt. As soon as the stain occurs, sprinkle the soda generously over it and leave it for fifteen minutes or so. Just remember that stains of any sort are best removed as soon as they occur. Baking soda also naturally absorbs any bad odor and prevents the formation of mildew, which is why many people sprinkle their fridges with it after defrosting, especially if the appliance is not to be used for some time.

If you are wondering how to degrees your frying pan or other cutlery, the solution is rather simple. All you have to do is slice a lemon in half and then sprinkle some salt over it. The lemon juice is going to dissolve the grease and give the surface a fresh aroma, while the salt would act as an abrasive so that the scrubbing becomes more efficient.

There are dozens of recipes for homemade cleaning solutions floating around the internet. All you need to do is a little research in order to figure out which one of them would best fit your needs and personal requirements. Then you should resolve to make the conscious choice to go fully green and start using homemade cleaning products exclusively. That might very well turn out to be the best decision you have made recently.

About the author: Nathaniel Jamesson, a seasoned cleaning consultant, boasts over two decades of expertise in sustainable and efficient cleaning practices. Recognized for his innovative techniques, Nathaniel aids both commercial and residential spaces in achieving pristine environments, promoting health and elevating aesthetics.